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Take Up Your Cross - Gary Blunt.jpg

LENT 2024

at Grace and St John's

Our observance of Lent began with Ash Wednesday on February 14, and continues for six weeks, leading up to Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Good Friday, and Easter.  Our Sunday worship changes to reflect the season's emphasis on repentance and renewal, and we add an enrichment class after church on Sundays.

Image: "Take up Your Cross" by Gary Bunt

How does singing add to our worship of God?


How can we sing more confidently?


This Sunday morning series will complement the all-day workshop to be offered on Saturday, March 9, by Music that Makes Community.

DATE: Saturday, March 9

TIME: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

FEES: $25 per person,   

$20 per person in groups of two or more from the same organization

Led by Episcopal priest Rev. Cricket Cooper, and Lutheran pastor Rev. Ben Groth

This program is made possible through a Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, Michigan, with funds provided by Lilly Endowment Inc.

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