2927 Dixwell Avenue
P. O. Box 185065
Hamden, CT 06518
Join us for Sunday worship!
You are always welcome at our Sunday 9:00 worship service, which is usually a celebration of the Eucharist (also referred to as Holy Communion, or Mass). If you have questions that are not answered on this page, please feel free to get in touch with us!
What do I wear?
Come as you are! Grace and St John’s is not a stuffy place. Most of us come to church dressed somewhere between casual and informal. You’ll see some suits and ties, dresses and heels, but more jeans, slacks, polo shirts and other comfortable seasonal wear. The sanctuary is air-conditioned in summer, and comfortably heated in cold weather.
Where do I park?
There is a small parking lot behind the church. A couple of spaces there are reserved for visitors. Or you can turn into the large lot next door, behind the four-story DeMatteo office building at 2911 Dixwell, where there is ample parking just steps away from the church.
Where is the door?
You can come in through the red front doors facing Dixwell Avenue, where you’ll be greeted by an usher who will give you a service leaflet.
Or, from the church parking lot, you can go up the ramp on the west side of the building, which will bring you into a large meeting room. Continue through this room into the hallway and from there you can enter the church worship space. You can help yourself to a leaflet from the little shelf just inside the door.
How do I follow along with the service?
In the pew racks there are copies of the Book of Common Prayer, in which you can follow along with the service. Page references and hymns are regularly announced. We sing from several different hymnals; there are copies of all of them in the pews. If you’re confused, look around you to see which book your neighbors are using, or ask someone to help you!
Is there a money offering?
In the Episcopal tradition, Sunday worship includes a money offering to support the work of the church. An offering plate is set out near the center aisle, and you may put in any amount you wish; nobody will be watching or judging you.
How long is the service? How long is the sermon?
Our usual Sunday services run a little over an hour. When the service is Morning Prayer, it is usually a bit shorter than when we celebrate communion. Sermons are typically 10 to 12 minutes in length.
What about communion?
All who are seeking Christ are invited to come forward for communion. If you wish to receive the bread, hold out your hands and the priest will give you a piece. You may eat it and then also receive a sip of wine from the chalice, helping the chalice-bearer to guide the cup to your lips; or you may hold it and dip it in the cup. You may receive only the bread (without wine) if you choose.
Babies and children who have been baptized, are encouraged to begin receiving communion as soon as they are physically able to do so.
If you do not wish to receive communion, you may remain in your seat, or else come forward for a blessing. To signal this at the altar, please cross your arms in front of your chest and the celebrant will bless you rather than giving you the bread.

What happens after church?
After worship, you may be greeted by the priest or some church members who will introduce themselves and offer you a visitor’s bag with some items to introduce you to our church. You may wish to join us for coffee hour, an informal gathering with refreshments and conversation.
Occasionally, there may be a meeting or rehearsal or some other event after church.
What about children?
Children are joyfully welcomed. If you are new or visiting and would rather stay together as a family, there is no pressure to send your children to Sunday school.
A “Play and Pray” area is available with playthings, books, open carpeted floor space, a rocking chair, other seating, and good sightlines to the altar, for children and families who wish to use it.
Children from Sunday school are brought into church in time to join their parents for the consecration and sharing of bread and wine at communion.